TNC17 in Linz - Tuesday 30/5-2017 | Pictures from the other days |
This year, the main programme of the conference starts on a tuesday. In
sunny Linz.
A sculpture where the main element is keyboards
The architect creating the local radio building has had a field day
creating something like a bunker/fortress.
The venue for the conference is the Design Center Linz
The ideal pair of conférenciers for the occasion: Die zwei
Christian Panigl, ACOnet, the local organizer
Christian Grimm (DFN), Chairman of the board of GÉANT
Rodney Wilson from Ciena, the platinum sponsor, making him the Father
Christmas of sponsors
Christian Panigl introduces the awardees of the GÉANT community
The creators of the eduroam CAT utility. Being on the stage does not
affect them - they almost look sleepy.
Does Christian Grimm think: "My dear god - what have I done?"
No - he introduces the next award
for the development of the LOLA software, used for low-latency video
conferencing used especially in the performing arts
John Dyer (also looking a bit sleepy) introduces this year's Vietsch
who has done so many good things for many years... much so that he even has a halo.
Jerry Sobieski, NORDUnet, has discovered that he will be in my picture
The writing on her forehead: Miss Ju...
Often, a LOLA music transmission is detected to be a DoS attack and
therefore shut down.
A bit of discussion after the session
Helmut Sverenyák from CESNET with all his friends ;-)
A BoF on a possible SIG/TF on legal matters
...chaired by Erik Huizer from SURFnet
Evelijn Jeunink, the legal advisor from SURFnet
Historically, almost all Austrian vehicle manfacturers have been taken
over by big foreign corporations: Puch, Steyr, Rotax etc. This one,
however may
be next in line: Carello Duett
A group of Swedish-ish people, preparing for the event in the evening
talking about serious stuff, while just consuming fresh air
The Danish bunch preparing. Same thing, but with the addition of local
agricultural products
And Michel Wets from SURFnet, consuming fresh air through yet another
agricultural product
The City Museum resides in a bulding called Nordico, after the
students in a Jesuit school from 1710 to 1786. Those Nordic people
are everywhere...
Jean-Luc Dorel from the EC: After many years as responible for the
GÉANT project funds, he is here as a tourist. Today, he is
occupied with Next Generation Internet, which is something else - or is
A Portugese gathering: Nelson Dias, Salomé Branco and João
Gomes - all from FCCN - the Portugese NREN
A flock of swans - self-organization among peers - a nice picture of
NRENs working together
Martin Bech, DeiC,