Thursday morning. Via Etnea with Etna in the far end.
Italian "network" plugs. A very clear illustration that we still have
some standardization issues - even in Europe.
The morning session on the technical aspects of high definition video is chaired by
my distinguished colleague, Dan Mønster.
Michael Wellings and his crew has been nominated for a technical
Oscar for their video
production of the transmissions from the ocean floor that John Delaney spoke
about in the opening session.
In Denmark, we at UNI-C are involved in a project to send
a scientific exploration
vessel around the globe for the next
year (see it here).
Therefore it was extra relevant for some of us to see how it could be done
if you have infinte amounts of funding.
If there is technical trouble during a video presentation, it only takes a few seconds
before the stage is swirming with people trying to solve the situation.
Back on track again, we heard about HD video conferencing, by Petr Holub from CESNET.
Before the closing session, postcards advertising the TnC2007 in Denmark, were
handed out to everyone.
The TERENA president, Dorte Olesen, chaired the closing session, featuring...
Harald Alvestrand, who now works for Google in Norway.
He tried to assess the importance, value and cost of the internet, compared to
the rest of modern society.
And the internet is BIG, both in value and importance, but the cost is small.
Lots of prople for the closing session.
Finally, we reached the part where it was time to thank all those who had
made an effort to make the conference a successful one.
Also thanks to those who built the network that worked so well this year.
Thanks to all the people behind the scenes: Here it is Marcella Mastrofini
from GARR who burst into tears when she, in turn, were to thank everyone who
had been helping her. We all thank the people who have been working for the
tremendously good conference this year!
And a special thanks to Shirley Woods after her many years as TERENA vice president for
conferences. If you look closely at the picture,
you can see that the microphone wire joins her and Carol de Groot like an
umbilical cord, which has to be cut now, since Shirley is at the end of
her last term. Thanks to Shirley for her great effort during all these years!
Then it was time for my announcement that the next TNC will be in Denmark.
This was done by a small film about the venue: Lyngby.
See you there, by the way!
Another brief announcement: Lars fischer from Nordunet announced the
Nordunet conference this fall.
Bye, bye, Etna.
Martin Bech