TNC2015 in Porto - Wednesday 17/6-2015 | Pictures from the other days |
Nicole Harris from GEANT chairing the morning plenary
featuring Timo Lüge speaking about how social media
can play an important role in disaster relief work
People at the conference: Iman Abdelrahman from UbuntuNet and
two colleagues from KENET, Paul Nzau and Michelle Opiyo
Lightning talks are renamed to Thunderbolt Talks and the whole thing
is managed by the NREN equivalent of Laurel & Hardy:
Brook Schofield (GEANT) and Guido Aben (AARnet)
With an impressive list of speakers
Brian Nisbet from HEAnet sings a song. This ia a kind of "Verfremdung"
which may be just what you need in order to be remembered
among all the talks in this session.
A 5 minute talk, shared by two speakers. Ambitious, but they made it!
Participants are asked to give statements about what
they like best about the conference
I used some of the lunch break to go for a short walk... the adjacent hill where the "Palaco do Cristal" is replaced by this
UFO-like sports arena...
...where the shrubs are trimmed to have the same shape.
Where I come from, it is usually the pigeons that decorate the statues
in parks. Here, this role is taken over by the gulls.
In the small ponds, it is usually the ducks that wait for people to
throw bread to them. Also done by gulls here.
There are, however, also real ducks here...
Just like you can observe that the gulls have...
The Alfandega building from above
Questions continue long after everyone else have left... go out and get a bit of air on the pier
For this purpose some ingenious GEANT prople have put on of the sofa outside. Here, it is populated by Maria Minaricova from GEANT
...and here I am, together with all my friends.
Another popular activity is queuing for the printer. When the end of the conference
approaches, people need to get back to reality and for this,
they need a boarding pass.
More wildlife: This is a serin. Just so that you know it!
Martin Bech, DeIC,