TNC23 in Tirana - Friday 9/6-2023 | Pictures from the other days |
I am here for the CS3MESH4EOSC meeting. First time I saw this name, I
thought someone fell asleep over the keyboard and accidentally and hit
all the keys.
Denmark is completely irradicated from the map. Scary.
Rosanna Norman (GÉANT) and Olga Popcova (RENAM)
My meeting is not the only one, there are several like REFEDS, Mobility
Day and other things.
Some people even came here only for the friday side meetings, like
Wenche Backman-Kamila from CSC, standing here together with
Martin Leuthold from SWITCH.
In order to take the last energy out of the room, Guido Aaben starts to
talk about policy ;-)
but we end on a happy note with a group photo
Erik and Steffie - I guess they are doing a quick evaluation of the
thing. I can only say as a participant, that I liked it from A to Z !
It is a bit sad to go to the airport and away from the whole thing...
...but at the airport, the party continues...
Here we have Ieva Muraškienė from NORDUnet, a bunch of nice
people from Litnet and
Magdalena Rzaca from GÉANT
And we get to spend even more time together, since the flight is a
couple of hours delayed. Just like we have the hashtag #Road2TNC,
we ought to have one named #ThelongandwindingroadfromTNC.
Even though I miss my flight and have to sleep in Warsaw, a TNC is worth the whole thing! Thank you for this time and see you again next year!
Martin Bech,