TNC23 in Tirana - Thursday 8/6-2023

Pictures from the other days
When there is a problem connecting the PC to the screen, it is solved four times as fast, if there are four people on the job

Eventually, they figure it out, and the morning session can begin

In a tiny room

Olga Popcova from RENAM in Moldova contributes to the FileSender collaboration with PR-work - something the FileSender project needs

I thought I was coming to attend a development meeting,but before you know it, they start talking about money .)

The lunch queue is also a good place to meet people: Hayrettin Bucak and Mehmet Satoglu from TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, the NREN of Türkiye

Chinese participants

Ron Augustus, part of the management of SURF

Two of the good colleagues from NORDUnet: Josva Kleist and Erik Kikkenborg

Standing near the boot of NORDUnet, that receives important visits

The next session is titled: "You wanted a bike, now you need to pedal". To underline this point Tangui Coulouarn from DeiC has brought his bike to the to the room. On this bike, he went to TNC from Corfu in Greece: 375km (and a ferry) in 3 days.

The ubiquitous guy from Sikt, Jan Meijer, is chairing the session

Yet another picture from Denmar in the presentation from David Verdin (RENATER)

Complete opposites meet: Alexius Chipalamwazani (MAREN in Malawi) and Maria Ristkok (EEnet). And before you start frowning at this statement, I must tell that I am - of course - referring to geography: North and South. At TNC, a participant is a participant!

Bram Peeters having a Medusa meeting

A Polaroid-style photo booth to make this TNC even more memorable

...and more demos

A bit of stage smoke and the closing session is just about to begin

An impressive amount of gear to make the whole multimedia and stage show happen. And it all has to be packed again and shipped with the PSNC truck.

...including a camera crane

People@TNC: David Heed - the very Mr. security in SUNET

And sitting in the same seat at all the plenaries: Mr. Rasim Alguliyev, CEO of AzScienceNet, the NREN of Azerbaijan

Massimo Carboni, the CTO of GARR

Hendrik Ike (GÉANT)

And here goes...

...the closing plenary

...featuring the mayor of Tirana, who was instrumental in closing the main pedestrian street just for the TNC party on Tuesday.

He held an improvised keynote speech, that was among the best in the conference. About dreaming versus doing and why parties (and physical meetings in general) are so important

Yet again, John Dyer takes the stage to talk about the important subject of support for URAN, the NREN in Ukraine.

I had to dry my eyes several times during this, as most of the people in the room. It is incomprehensible and totally unbearable what they have to endure - and yet they have the determination to go on and even put flowers in the office.

As the only representative of URAN, Volodomyr Galagan, receives a handshake of support.

After this serious topic, it is time for Ann Harding to introduce the very last keynote speaker

Laura Paglione

As tradition has it, the next TNC destination is revealed

And therefore, the (relatively new) CEO of RENATER, Boris Dintrans, is invited to the stage.

He is contgratulated by this year's local host, Arjan Xhelaj

and receives a gift, which is a sort of Cognac - quite a bold present for a frenchman.

Furthermore, Boris Dintrans also receives an extra gift...

which is a kit for measuring blood pressure. Arjan says one might come in need of that during TNC planning.

It is time to thank all the people involved in the organization, programme, planning and execution of TNC this year.

Local gifts from Albania

A piece of the Berlin wall, which was a gift from one fenced-in city to another

Dining with colleagues

and wherever you go, you are likely to meet other TNC'ers. This guy with the hair - I think I have seen him before somewhere.