TNC23 in Tirana - Wednesday 7/6-2023

Pictures from the other days
No trousers today: Rosanna Norman and Chris Atherton from GÉANT

Arvydas Žiliukas (LITNET) and Piotr Sasiedzki (Silesian University of Technology)

Chris tells that last year he wore a formal jacket and shorts on stage, and Nicole Harris said that even though there is no particular dress code on TNC, this was preferably not to be repeated. Hence the kilt.

On Czech television, they have a daily 45 minute programme about science. The first key note of the day is held by Daniel Stach, a journalist in the programme.

He was a bit full of himself, but the talk was very inspiring. You have to present the subject so a 12 year old can understand it and deploy creative ways of visualization, like this Mercator projection of his own head

He even interviewed Vint Cerf and Jan Gruntorad

A question from Eli Dart (ESnet)

Chris Atherton introducing the next key note speaker

Jeremy Knox...

...who reads quotes from his latest book, like it was the bible

The next item on the agenda is the second installment of lightning talks, introduced by Ann Harding and Nicole Harris

Suddenly, this lightning talk gets more time than the usual 5 minutes.

A picture from Denmark :)

Queuing for lunch

Demos during lunch break

The conference center was built during the communist era and there must have been a need for red carpets since the rings for holding the carpet on the stairs still have traces of red paint

Communist or not, the conference center is very functional and works well for TNC

People@TNC: Thomas Araneta from Internet2

Chris Wilkinson - also from Internet2

The good people from AARnet...

An old acquaintance from TNC: Shuij Shimizu from Kyushu University in Japan - world famous for remote surgery via the network

My colleague François Kooman phoning home

Yet another demo

Preparing for the next session, ...

...chaired by Davide Vaghetti from GARR, who thinks it is time

Guillaume Rousse from RENATER

Next up, we have Anders Sjöström (Lund University),

who points out that there is a remarkable correlation between the happiest countries in the world and the partners in the Puhuri HPC project

Marina Adomeit from SUNET speaks about implementation of Levels of Assurance (LoA) and other T&I stuff

Finally, in the session, we have Richard Freitag from SUNET, telling about the LoA implementation of secure zones in SUNET drive

Two of the guys from PSNC to whom we owe so much gratitude for making all the technology happen: Piotr Pawałowski and Bartek Idzikowski

Normally, when I show up, people turn to me and pose a bit for the camera. But not these gentlemen, who are completely consumed in conversation: James Deaton (Internet2) and Toby Rodwell (GÉANT)

Some of the SURFers: Max Mudde, Migiel de Vos, Eyle Brinkhuis and Alexander van den Hil

Leïla Dekkar from GÉANT showing an eduroam promotion T-shirt from Uganda

The guy from Uganda (Brian Masiga), on the other hand, has a T-shirt from NORDUnet, so it is like we already swapped T-shirts

A well-known (and now semi-retired) face from DFN: Peter Kaufmann

The LHCONE is very simple - don't you agree?

Enzo Valente (who is semi-retired from GARR) poses a question

People@TNC: Mikkel Hald and Bo Bai - both from DeiC

For the social event of the evening, it takes quite a while to off-load the buses,

but it is definitely worth the waiting time

People@TNC: Lázló Árpád Makara from a university (BME) in Budapest who is one of the awardees of the GÉANT Innovation Programme

Arjan Xhelaj with his wife and Annabel Grant

Impressive buffets - here with impressive olives

Neil Slater from EUMETSAT

To celebrate that we call it the gala evening, it has become a bit of a tradition for me to dress up with a tie

The days at TNC are indeed long days, filled with many impressions and experiences, so you may be a bit tired at the end, but I wouldn't miss a second of it!