TNC24 in Rennes - Sunday 9/6-2024

Pictures from the other days
Is the tag #road2TNC still a thing? In my case it started in the Copenhagen airport where I can already spot a NORDUnet colleague: Joakim Hunos&oslah;e

And the NORDUnet colleagues quickly multiply: Lars Fischer and Susanne Michelsen

There are also a few of the DeiC colleagues on the same plane: Mehran Khan and Marina Papatanasiou

We fly via Paris, where we meet even more NREN colleagues: Ivana Golub (PSNC) and Leonie Schäfer (DFN) - here seen in the psychedelic light of coloured air terminal windows

A quick walk in the city center of Rennes: The Opera

The regional parliament

The city's largest bookstore in a very historic building

The signature half-timbered houses of Rennes, which you can find all over the city center, but only as a single or a few houses squeezed in between the more recent buildings

The city swimming pool in art deco style

Look at the gables of these houses: The chimneys are built using bricks, whereas the rest of the wall is made with stones. It looks like a tree or another organic pattern.

first glimpse of the TNC Venue - a Jacobin monastery converted into a cultural center.

Most of the ole half-timbered houses are in an excellent state of restoration, but there are exceptions...

The river (La Vilaine, which forms part of the name of the département Ille-et-Vilaine), ...

...passes Rennes in a tunnel. Imagine the city coucil voting at some point in history: Do we want a river or car parking? - Obviously a car park!

A channel to connect to the Ille river

Pictures from the other days
Martin Bech, DeiC