TNC24 in Rennes - Thursday 13/6-2024

Pictures from the other days
At the start of the week, the met office promised mixed weather in Rennes (which should be typical for the region), but we have only had brilliant weather so far

My first session in the morning was about foresight studies of various NRENs.

It was mostly about the process - not the results of such studies

With this gear, you can power some serious laptops

Teresa Grove (AARnet) and Kathryn Anthonisen (CANARIE)

Hrachya Astsatryan, head of the Armenian NREN ASNET-AM and Petru Bogatencov, head of RENAM, the NREN in Moldova

The second strike of lightning talks is moderated by Charlie van Genuchten ...

...and Nicole Harris

Let's pray for guidance from above

A presentation from PSNC by Bartek Idzikowski and Piotr Pawałowski who, by the way, for unknown reasons has a conference badge saying "Jack Sparrow"

...about eduMEET 4.0 which keeps getting better and better

Doing a live demo with audience participartion in a lightning talk is very brave - on the other hand, theie PSNC colleagues managing the time apparently makes an exception for just this talk and lets it run over time

In the audience, working on his laptop as always, we find Laurent Gydé from RENATER

A birthday celebration for one the young talents

There are continously presentations and meetings going on at the G6Eacute;ANT community hub

Bartek and Piotr is doing a redux of their eduMEET presentation at the hub

We also had a slot at the community hub about the SIGs and Task Forces. Annabel Grant and I represented SIG-MSP and the only person approaching us was Sylvia Kuijpers from SURF

Erik Kikkenborg from Nordunet behind the controls. He is one of the main reasons everything is running smoothly from a technical point of view

Valentino Cavalli, nowadays representing the Vietsch Foundation

NORDUnet people: Lars Fischer and Anna Gościnna-Poulsen, known to everyone as Anya

For the closing session, Erik take the stage again and makes what he called "a 15 minute rant", which was in fact a very good recap of who we are and what we do and why this helps save the planet.

This TNC has again again broken all records

The world is a troubled place

Next up in the closing session is this year's award of the Vietsch Medal, motivated by Valentino Cavalli

who is Christian Grimm from DFN as a recognition of the great and difficult effort of merging Dante and TERENA into what finally the GÉANT we know today.

In his speech Christian thanks Valentino for this recognition and motivation in spite of the fact that the merger effectively had the personal consequence for Valentino, that he was put out of his job for our community

The closing keynote is about AI

Last in the programme - as always - is the announcement of next year's conference.

Boris Dintrans, the CEO of this year's local hosting organization RENATER, hands over the virtual torch and some gifts to Heidi Krauss (CEO of Jisc)

Time for a conference staff group photo. Thank you so much from all of us to all of you! This has been a great TNC.

Gifts as a souvenir from Rennes

The exhibition area is already in tear-down mode

Rain for the first time during the whole week: Even the heavens cry that TNC24 is over.

Pictures from the other days
Martin Bech, DeiC