TNC24 in Rennes - Wednesday 12/6-2024

Pictures from the other days
This morning starts with a BoF about FileSender, led by Jan Meijer (SIKT)

And showing up just in time: Guido Aaben (Sunet)

For TNC, this venue in Rennes is very spacious. You can have meetings and work outside under the open sky

or inside under the vaults of the monastery

Alberto Pérez Gómez and Antonio Fuentes from RedIRIS

Eli Dart from ESnet in conversation with my colleagues from DeiC

Then, a session whose common denominator is all things satellite

A very inspiring talk about the (relatively) new regional NREN in Nunavut in Canada

Given by Jennifer Lane ...

and Rebecca (Becky) Mearns

Next, a talk about the Copernicus project

Next, these guys from EUMETSAT talks about their collaboration with GÉANT and the NRENs

After the talk, Chris Atherton (GÉANT) not only has a question — he is so enthusiastic, that he simply takes the stage.

A group photo of the space crew

Eva Nestorovska (PSNC) and Beatrix Weber (GÉANT)

In Brittany, they apparently have their own cola brand

Two of GÉANT's finest: Bram Peeters and Cathrin Stöver

A scenario you are not likely to see at other conferences: Two guys meeting over a command line screen

There is hardware, software and wetware. This was a new word to me, and it means people.

A question from Eli Dart (ESnet)

Releasing some stage smoke before the Lightning talks session

Massimo Carboni and Claudia Battista from GARR. It is a pity that there are no more available seats for Massimo.

A well-known face at TNC for many years: David Kelsey from UKRI STFC (which is a particle physics outfit in Swindon in the UK).

Lightning talks - first strike

An RNP group photo

The conference dinner takes place in a former market hall, where the food is served from 6 stands you have to queue for

and there is a DJ in a Citroën HY replica, which to my surprise is built from scratch with glass fibre panels and placed on a trailer

TNC is truly international: To the left, we have a colleague from the NREN in Kazakhstan

Rosanna Norman from GÉANT - known to everyone from the columns of the Connect Magazine

Pictures from the other days
Martin Bech, DeiC